What should be paid attention to when electric hoists work horizontally?

We all know that the electric hoist can move heavy objects up and down in the vertical direction, and it can move in the horizontal direction when working with the trolley and the I-beam. There are also some matters needing attention when the electric hoist works horizontally.


1. Do not operate when there are people in the range of activities where the electric hoist lifts the load. Operators are not allowed to enter the range of activities where the electric hoist lifts the load.

2. Do not operate directly under the load or carry the load at a height above the head of a person.


3. Do not ride on the hoisted load. In addition, do not use it for supporting, hoisting, or transporting people.

4. The body of the electric hoist and the trolley cannot collide with the limiter and structures.


5. When the electric hoist is lifting the load, do not perform the operation of descending or moving behind. When operating and moving, look at the front from the rear of the load, and operate while moving forward.

6. Do not hang the lifting load on other structures or cables.

7. When the load chain and the hand zipper of the hand-pulled monorail trolley are entangled, please stop the operation immediately and untie the entanglement.

Post time: May-22-2023