How to use Material Lifting crane on the construction site?

We were recently asked if it is allowed to use Building material lift machine on construction sites? Let us answer this question below.

Monkey cranes are available on construction sites.

A, As the electric crane is not a large lifting equipment, it is a very small construction site lifting equipment. It can not only be used on construction sites to lift cement and sand, but also help farmers to transport grain to the roof when the autumn harvest. It can be used in a wide range of applications.

B. The hoist crane is also very safe to use. There is a certain counterweight behind it, and it is used on a flat ground, so there is no danger.

The emergence of mini hoist crane makes our work easier, and the use of construction material lifting machine is the mainstream trend.

How to use the building material lifting machine better, please pay attention to the following points:

1. We must ensure a stable voltage before we use it, and a stable voltage can allow us to carry out hoisting operations more safely and smoothly;

2. Ensure that the hoist chassis and main frame structure are stable before use, and must operate after inspection;

3. Before the lifting operation is officially started, a trial lifting should be carried out to check whether there is any abnormality. If there is no abnormality, the official operation can be started;

4. The staff must operate in a reasonable and standardized manner, and it is best to have a commander to ensure better cooperation in the operation;

5. Pay attention to safety precautions when using, prohibit inclined hanging, prohibit overloading, etc.;

6. In order to prolong the service life and maintain good performance, regularly take care of it to check whether there is abnormal wear or erosion in each part, and if there is, take protective measures in time.

When using the mini building material lifting machine, please follow the several methods we proposed above to achieve the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Post time: Sep-07-2022